31-year-old Wyson Mosalande was rescued by police officers in Thyolo from a mob that wanted to kill him on allegations that he killed another man at a drinking place after he accidentally spilled his beer.

Thyolo police officer in-charge, Aubrey Nyirenda said the rescue happened on Wednesday and that during that time, the mob had already set ablaze Mosalande’s house.

According to Nyirenda, Mosalenda had stabbed to death a man identified as Wyson Golondo hence the mob wanted to revenge by killing the murder suspect.

“They had already set his house ablaze and they were looking to kill him but we have managed to rescue him and he is now in police custody awaiting murder charges,” said Nyirenda.

Nyirenda said the murder suspect allegedly stabbed Golondi three times in the stomach after he accidentally spilled his beer which was bought at K100.

Meanwhile, Mosalande is in police custody waiting to appear in court over murder charges.

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