Kazala Community Day Secondary School on Wednesday night went on rampage destroying school property worth millions after being cautioned by the Head teacher on relationships.

The fact of the matter is that most of the students at the school have for a while now engaged in sexual relationships resulting in poor performance.

The development forced the school management headed by the Deputy Headteacher to call for a meeting with the said pair of students which were 20 in total to caution them on the matter.

The meeting angered the students and on Wednesday they did not report for studies in the evening. At around 9pm the ganged up and destroyed the house of the Head teacher.

As this was not enough, the students also invaded the school library were they stole books and other school materials.

The students also set ablaze a fence of the girls’ hostel at the school and later they smashed windows of the classes.

Mchinji Police Spokesperson Kaitano Lubrino confirmed of the development in an interview with the press.

According to Kaitano, the police have launched an investigation into the matter and soon the culprits will be arrested.

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