On Sunday, November 18, Honourable Kondwani Nankhumwa launched the construction work for Majiga-Zambia Road in Ndirande.

The construction of the road was one of the promises President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika made to the people of Ndirande through a rally he addressed at Nyambadwe School Ground some two weeks ago.

They had meetings at the Ndirande DPP Offices with about 150 members of the Ndirande Market vending community. The meeting was very fruitful as it managed to bring into the table some of the challenges they are facing and proposed some solutions.

“We also had a meeting with committees that are managing about 20 boreholes. The meeting was necessitated by DPP government’s quest to make sure that clean and portable water is delivered to the people of Ndirande free of charge.” Nankhumwa narrated.

As on the way forward regarding these two meetings, they will make public the decision that will be made in due course.


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