Nigeria’s Prophet TB Joshua shocked the when he caught a married man with a side chick from Angola in his church. The man identified as John Kelechukwu attended Synagogue Church of All Nations together with his girlfriend.

“The brother under the canopy; your lady is at home but you are here with a lady, what kind of prayer do you want to offer?” said Prophet TB Joshua

He then added “Your wife is at home, event trying to cook food for you now. But you are here with another lady, for salvation or for what? For Marriage? If you do not come out, you are here to tempt me. And if you attempt the Man of God, you know the repercussions. Come out please, salvation first”

soon after the announcement John kelechukwu walked forward to confess about his actions. After the confession, TB Joshua asked him to meet in private.

According to the video below shared by SCOAN, the man asked for forgiveness from his wife

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