The launch of the electoral campaign on Wednesday, marks the final stretch to the December 23 presidential elections in the DRC.

The President of the National Independent Electoral Commission (Céni), Corneille Nangaa, officially launched the campaign, a day ahead of schedule.

80 million Congolese hope for a peaceful transfer of power, for the first time since independence in 1960.

The campaign is scheduled to end on December 21 at midnight, two days before the single round presidential, legislative and regional elections scheduled for December 23.

Twenty-one candidates are in the running to succeed Joseph Kabila, who has spent 18 years in power since the murder of his father in January 2001.

The controversy is growing over the use of the voting machine.

Martin Fayulu, an opposition candidate, considered as an outsider was designated a common candidate following a meeting of opposition leaders earlier this month. Former Governor of Katanga Moïse Katumbi and the former warlord Jean-Pierre Bemba, and others have rejected the use of voting machines.

The electoral commission remains adamant and supports that 106,000 voting machines will be used by 40 million registered voters.

The DRC has refused any foreign financial or logistical assistance in the organization of these elections.

Source : African News

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