Students in the country have been urged to work extra hard in science subjects in order to realize their academic goals.
The call was made in Thyolo when students from Double Knowledge Private Secondary School (DKPSS) toured the Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST) over the weekend.

Speaking after the tour, DKPSS managing director pastor Ernest Nakari,challenged the students to work hard in science subjects in order for them to stand a better chance to be selected to MUST after completing their secondary education.
“They should work extra hard and spend sleepless nights in these science subjects if they want to excel in life and become a student at MUST,” Said pastor Nakari.

Nakari further urged government to ensure steady availability of science teaching and learning materials in the country’s Secondary schools.
“Government should make sure that science books as well as laboratory equipment are readily available in schools.” Added pastor Nakari.

On his part a form one student Yamikani Mandala said the visit has inspired him a lot and urged fellow students to work hard in education as it is a key to success.
Recently there has been a series of calls made by various quarters in the country urging students to embrace science subjects which among others include Mathematics, Biology and Physical Science