Police in Lilongwe have arrested seven people on allegations that they stole 12.5 million kwacha at First Capital Bank (City Centre Branch) using a fake cheque.

On 29th November, the branch sales and service manager for the said bank, Mr Brian Banda complained to police that the men had presented a fake cheque at the bank and went away with 12.5 million kwacha.

Following the complaint, police team known as Namulondola led by Inspector Richard Kalawire of central region police headquarters through intelligence collection managed to recover 10.572 million kwacha and arrested the criminals.

They were identified as Macmillan Debakulu, 42, Mike Dosa, 38, Sitiger Mussa, 30, Stephano Kathumba, 58, Frank Kazembe, 42, Ratif Katalama, 32 and Dalitso Banda Naungo who were all arrested at Mbowe Puma Filling Station while they were sharing the stolen money.

Upon interviewing them, they admitted to have committed the offence at city centre First Capital Bank.

They managed to steal the money by presenting a forged check which belonged to Lutheran church mission on account number 0000262479003 and managed to withdrew cash amounting to 12.5 million kwacha.

They were also found with another check valued to MK10.2 million belonging to the same Lutheran church mission.

Meanwhile the suspects are in custody pending court soon.

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