President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika is today expected to attend the burial of Paramount Chief Chikulamayembe at his headquarters Bolero in Rumphi District.

This has been confirmed in a statement from the Office of the President and Cabinet (OPC) signed by Chief Secretary Lloyd Muhara made available to Faceofmalawi.

Initially, President Mutharika was supposed to be represented by Minister of Local Government and Rural Development Kondwani Nankhumwa who is also Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Vice President for the South.

But the programme changed at the 11th after it was revealed that Malawi Congress Party (MCP) President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera and United Tranformation Movement (UTM) President Dr. Saulos Chilima will attend the burial ceremony.

Meanwhile Reverend Levi Nyondo of Livingstonia Synod has ordered that party colours at the funeral will not be entertained.

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