The testimony of King David was that the living God was his source of strength and courage. In Psalm 18 verse 1 we read “I love you, God— you make me strong. God is bedrock under my feet, the castle in which I live, my rescuing knight” (The Message). And when St Paul writes to the Corinthian church, he declares that “…when I am weak, then I am strong”.

Here is an important truth. All of us have things that we struggle with and things that at times seem to overwhelm us. These are the areas of our lives where we can invite the living God to inhabit us with His strength and power. Further down this page are prayers that you say to help you discover God’s strength when grieving, in times of sickness, when in need of guidance, and various inspirational scriptures and prayers in the bible about God’s strength.

Dear Lord,

I come before you and ask for Your strength within me.
A strength not of the world but of Your kingdom.
To refrain from judgement and feast on love.
To push out greed and hold tight to joy.
To dispel pride and rise with humility.
To quell anger and rest in self control.
To shun greed and rest in giving.
To turn from power and embrace service.
To let go of resentment and rest in peace.
To push through fear and walk forwards in grace.
To run with faith, soar with forgiveness,
And allow your eternal strength to abide with me.

In Jesus’s name, Amen

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