ZAMBIA – Police are hunting for a gang of woman who were filmed torturing a naked young woman. The gang is alleged to have shoved a castle bottle into her vagina, thereafter, they pumped chili sauce into her vagina.

Police spokesperson Esther Katongo has expressed disgust over the manner in which some women in a social media circulating video undressed their fellow woman and inserted a bottle into her private parts and discharged the content into her.

It is alleged that the human treatment was as a result of allegations that the victim had an extra marital affair with the husband to one of the suspects.

Katongo said it is saddening that women are the ones in the forefront undressing fellow women in public and taking videos which they later post on social media.
“This country has got laws and channels of reporting grievances and anything short of that will not be condoned. We are not in a jungle where only the fittest survive. We are ruled by laws and the provisions of the law should be adhered to,” Katongo said.

She encouraged the victim as well as those who could have information regarding the whereabouts of the suspects to report the matter to the nearest police station.

Katongo also noted that women who are subjected to such harassment usually fail to report to police for fear of shame and to be scoffed by the general public.

Meanwhile, Katongo said police will not relent in bringing the perpetrators to book.

Source : Mwebantu

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