Newly elected President of the United Transformation (UTM) President Dr. Saulos Chilima has promised to free State controlled Malawi Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) once voted into power in the forthcoming 2019 polls.

Chilima said during his closing remarks at the party’s convention at Bingu International Convention Centre (BICC) in the capital Lilongwe.

The State Vice President accused the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) of interfering with the operations of MBC by reducing it to a political mouthpiece, saying this is uncalled for.

He said MBC runs on taxpayers’ money and the station has to operate professionally by airing programmes that will favour the masses.

Chilima also promised to free the Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA) by letting the state owned company to operate freely without any political interference.

He said MACRA is not a political tool that is mandated to muzzle private media houses that are deemed critical of the current regime.

Chilima said MACRA’s main aim is to regulate media houses and other companies that are in communication industries.

UTM leader went unopposed at the convention.

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