Dedza police have arrested a traditional doctor and a 21-year-old woman over the abortion of the woman’s unborn baby.

Police spokesperson for Dedza police station, Cassim Manda, has identified the suspect as Musauke Sautsani and Dorophy Yeletsani who got nabbed for concealing birth.

According to Manda, Sautsani, a well-known traditional abortion doctor at Mawala village helped Yeletsani to abort her pregnancy by putting two sharp sticks into her vagina for two consecutive periods.

The publicist further added that the matter was revealed after the mother of Yeletsani got suspicious upon seeing her daughter’s heavily stained blood top.

The mother also got suspicious upon seeing the unusual behaviour of her daughter of sleeping at odd hours and after a lengthy confrontation, Yeletsani revealed to her mother that she had an abortion.

Upon hearing the news, Yeletsani’s mother reported the matter to village headman Chitheka who reported the matter to Njonja police post and Yeletsani was later taken to Njonja health center where she received treatment before being taken into police custody.

Manda continued to say that when police instituted inquiries into the matter, it was when Musauke Sautsani was arrested for procuring abortion to Yeletsani.

According to Manda, Sautsani will answer the charge of supplying drugs or instruments to procure abortion contrary to section 151 of penal code while Yeletsani will answer the charge of concealing birth of child contrary to 232 of penal code.

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