It is now no more a secret that Scrafoc is one the young African artist who have got the juju of making hits.

As really witnessed in the year 2018 as he released two songs “Celebrate and Over”, you could feel the international taste of his music.

In an interview with Scrafoc he has confirmed that he will be releasing a super anointed masterpiece 10 tracks album produced in SA by Dj Megi and Scrafoc being the executive producer. The title of the album it is Emergency and it will be released this December.

After asking him why is the album Emergency, Scrafoc reviewed that it a prayer for everyone trusting God to intervene in their lives and deliver miracles in their lives. He also explained on the need of God to intervene into the different crisis going around in the world from political, social, religious even economic situations.

The album has got a variety of different sounds from pop, to afro pop to Hip-Hop. It is really a master piece that will make airwaves around the world.

As it is said history has got a way to repeat it self we currently await for the songs as king Scrafoc has really the special ingredients for baking hits.


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