Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Vice President for the South Kondwani Nankhumwa has described the party primaries especially in the South as a mess.

Nankhumwa, made the admission during an interface meeting with the frustrated shadow Members of Parliament from the constituencies which had disputed primary elections at the party’s regional offices in Blantyre.

In his speech Nankhumwa acknowledged that grave mistakes were committed in the management of the primary elections in the disputed area.

“The way some presiding officers worked during the primary elections left a lot to be desired. It was clear that some were bribed and positioned themselves as interested parties.

“Imagine some presiding officers left this office at 8 o’clock with the entire committee and all the resources only to arrive in Ndirande at around 3 o’clock in the afternoon some 6 hours later. What were they doing all that time?” he queried.

Nakhumwa feared that the disputed primary elections results have the potential to minimize its chances of retaining power in this year’s Tripartite Elections.

Meanwhile the party will hold re-runs in the following constituencies; Mulanje North, Nsanje Lalanje, Neno South, Chikwawa West, Nsanje South, Chikwawa Nkombezi, Thyolo South West, Phalombe South, Mulanje West and Blantyre City West.

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