There is confusion on the outcome of UTM primary elections in Nkhotakota South constituency as both candidates claim victory.

Constituency governor Kidwell Nkholozo on Thursday declared Nellie Banda winner, saying one of the contenders, Kidder Mkolola allegedly walked out from the race.

But speaking to the media, Mkolola claimed he was winner, saying Banda was disqualified from the race for allegedly ferrying ineligible delegates to polls hence contravening the party’s rules of the elections.

“ I’m the winner as Banda has been disqualified for allegedly ferrying ineligible delegates to these polls, and she know all well that, she has contravened the party’s rules of the elections” said Mkolola.

He said, the party resolved to declare Mkolora winner following the disqualification of his contender Banda, and promised to represent UTM in the forthcoming tripartite elections.

Ironically, Banda said was not communicated to about her disqualification and accused the district governor Leonard Chaunga for messing up elections.

“ I was not communicated that, they have been disqualified me, and I accuse the district governor for messing up elections” said Banda.

She however told the media that, she won the elections despite the district governor’s allegedly attempting to prevent her from contesting.

She further accused, the district governor Chaunga for the whole mess in the constituency’s primary elections.

But in a separate interview, district governor Leonard Chaunga laughed off Banda’s sentiments, saying the party disqualified her on the basis of misconduct.

He reported that, Banda was disqualified because she ferried people from one area to one of the venue of the primary elections, the development which made the party declare Mkolola winner.

“The party has disqualified her because she has ferried people from one area to the venue of the primary elections hence contravening the party’s rules of elections”, Said Chaunga.

Meanwhile, primary elections in Nkhotakota South East constituency were also marred with irregularities as candidates accused each other of using bad tactics to win the polls.

But Raphael Sandram triumphed over Samson Kaziputa who some time back ditched Malawi Congress Party (MCP) and Sandram is expected to represent the party in the parliamentary race in the district’s south east constituency.

UTM director of elections Paul Chibingu is yet to comment on the matter.

UTM staged the primary elections in all the constituencies and wards across the country on Thursday, and reports show that in other areas, the primary elections were not conducted due to alleged irregularities.


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