Police in Mangochi are keeping in custody a couple over their child’s death.

The suspects have been identified as Mussa Dickson, 25 and his 22-year-old wife Patuma Issah.

The deceased’s nephew Mr Aaron Sifa reported to police that the murder occurred during the night of 4-5 January at M’dalamakumba village in Mangochi.

Facts are that the deceased, Yamikani Mussa was two months old and as a baby he was always staying close to his mother.

During the night of 5 January, he was taken to bed by his mother but surprisingly, the following day in the morning his mother started informing people that the nose of the deceased has been cut off by unknown person.

After her relatives came to check the child, it was discovered that he was dead.

Police were informed and they visited the scene and took the body for a postmortem which revealed the death was caused by severe blood loss due to external bleeding.

Meanwhile, police have arrested the couple for questioning over the death of the child.

Mussa Dickson hails from Chiwaula village while his wife Patuma Issah hails from Mdalamakumba village both in the area of traditional authority T/A Chowe in Mangochi.



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