The Ntchisi First Grade Magistrate’s Court has on Wednesday January 9 this year, convicted and sentenced a 21-year-old man for the offence of bestiality (having sexual intercourse with an animal).

Confirming the incident the district’s police publicist Sergeant Gladson M’bumpha has identified the convict as Pemphero Makulika who hails from Dete Village in the area of Traditional Authority (T/A) Chilooko in the district.

Sergeant M’bumpha said, the court heard that on 1st January this year, the convict had unlawful carnal knowledge with a goat when the owner of the goat was in a nearby garden for other errands.

“The court further heard that on the particular day, the victim left his goats for grazing on a piece of land and went to a nearby garden and whilst there, the victim heard people shouting from the direction where he tied his goats”, said M’bumpha.

Upon arrival at the scene, the victim was told by the gathering that the convict was caught red handed having sexual intercourse with one of his goats and by the time of the incident sperms was oozing from the goats vagina.

The matter was reported to the village headman of the area who advised the victim to report the matter to police for further action.

Appearing before court on Wednesday, the convict pleaded guilty to a charge of Bestiality contrary to Section 153 of the Penal Code and was convicted accordingly.

Passing judgement, First Grade Magistrate Dorothy Kalua said the offence is serious in nature hence the need for a stiff sentence to warn other would-be offenders, and sentenced him to 5 years imprisonment with hard labour.

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