A 34 year old Zambian man has allegedly murdered another man he found having sexual intercourse with his wife.

Kedrick Mumbelunga, 34, who has been arrested is alleged to have found his wife with another man in the act before he ended the life of the 29 year old using a sharp instrument.

Copperbelt Police Chief Charity Katanga who confirmed the development said the incident happened on Monday 14th January, 2019 around 03:30hrs in which the deceased who has been identified as Benny Kapesa, was murdered in his house.

She has explained that the two were found at the deceased’s residence before the suspect hit both with a sharp instrument that resulted in the death of the 29 year old.

Katanga stated that both the deceased and the wife sustained deep cuts on their heads.

She said the wife who is aged 25 is currently admitted to a local Hospital while body of the deceased is lying in the Mortuary.

Katanga said the suspect is currently in police custody and will appear in Court soon.

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