24-year-old community health worker Tamandani Mfutso who was working at St. Martins Mission Hospital has died after he hanged himself to the roof of his house.

The incident occurred on the morning of January 20, 2019 at Chindamba village in the area of traditional authority Chowe in Mangochi.

It is reported that Tamandani who hailed from Kasina village in the area of Traditional Authority Kaphuka in Dedza,was being employed under Bella NGO as a Community Health worker at the health centre.

Few months ago Tamandani was selected to pursue his studies at St. Joseph college of Nursing and was advised to report at the college for classes on January 7, 2019.

Due to financial constraints, he approached most of his relatives for assistance but none showed interest in assisting him fees.

On this day Tamandani was found hanging lifeless at the sitting room of his house. He used a twine rope to hang himself.

He also left a suicide note on the table in which he expressed his disappointment for failing to get the financial assistance.

Matter was reported at Mangochi Police Station who visited the scene of incident and postmortem conducted at Mangochi district hospital revealed that death was due to suffocation.

The Police in the district is appealing to the general public to seek for other alternatives of solving problems other than terminating one’s life.

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