President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika has come out of his cocoon to condemn the political violence perpetrated by youth cadets from his own party (Democratic Progressive Party –DPP) ahead of the forthcoming May 21 tripartite election.

Suspected DPP youth cadets last week assaulted United Transformation Movement (UTM) National Youth Director Bon Kalindo who is also Member of Parliament Mulanje at the DC’s office in full view of Minister of Homeland Security Nicholas Dausi.

On Sunday, the DPP cadets assaulted three UTM Members led by its Regional Governor for Eastern Region and a Video clip is circulating on the social media.

As this was not enough, on Monday the DPP cadets assaulted Malawi Congress Party (MCP) member Edward Govat in Blantyre.

The only scene that Govat has committed is supporting the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) and describing DPP as a bunch of thieves.

The terror attack launched by DPP cadets on people supporting opposition political parties attracted criticisms from all corners with many calling upon President Mutharika to condemn such barbaric acts.

Due to pressure, President Mutharika has issued a statement condemning such mal-practice, saying he will not tolerate such acts.

“Differences in political opinion are the hallmark of our democracy. It is therefore the duty of all Malawians to refuse to be used in any acts that undermine the good image of our country with its sound record of democratic governance.

“Whereas some violence is purely criminal in motive and some is political, the President urges Malawians to join hands in the fight against violence and desist from politicising every violence that occurs in our society. The President also calls upon human rights lobby groups to stand above partisan politics and protect all women regardless of which party they belong to,” reads in part the statement signed by Mgeme Kalilani.

He added: “Malawi is bigger than any individual or political party. As a matter of national interest therefore, the President wants to see any individual or institution attempting to drag this country to anarchy arrested or brought to justice.

“President Mutharika directs the Malawi Police Service to act decisively, within the dictates of the law, on any rogue elements that are promoting or perpetrating violence.”

Mutharika has since appealed to all political leaders in Malawi to be responsible, refrain from using inflammatory language and demonstrate sound leadership by disciplining their followers who perpetrate violence on political opponents.

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