National Muslim Students Association – NAMSA will hold an annual conference this weekend at Malawi College of Medicine (CoM) in Blantyre.

NAMSA president, Jafar Jameson said this year’s event will be different from last year’s event as there will be elections of new office bearers.

“We are conducting this annual event with a number of issues such as discussing what we have done in the past two years, looking at the achievements and failures and focuses on the way forward, including electing new officers in the organisation,” Jameson said.

This year’s theme is ‘Effects of inefficient leadership in Muslim community in Malawi’, Jameson said it would encourage the Muslim youths and the community to be good leaders.

As such they have invited some notable speakers to the function to articulate the theme to the NAMSA members.

“People say the youths are leaders of tomorrow, but the youths need to understand that they are leaders of today, hence they need to take a leading role now and start questioning the inefficient Leadership,” Jameson said

He said “As such, we expect from the invited speakers to unveil the effects of inefficient leadership in the Muslim lives in Malawi so that the students who will be taking different leading roles understand the importance of being efficient leader.We need to achieve efficient leadership for the development of the society”.

Among the invited speakers are Shaikh Omar Nkachelenga, Dr. Rodrick Mulonya, Mr. Prince Mtelera and Brother Cassius Chidothe.

The meeting is expected to host over 300 participants from all colleges and secondary schools in the country.

Source : Malawi News Hub

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