Police in Mulanje district have arrested a pastor and two other people for allegedly stealing a pig.

Mulanje police public relations officer, Grasham Ngwira has identified the three as Stanford Seven, Andrew Henderson and Henderson College.

According to Ngwira, the incident happened during the night 22-23 January this year when unknown criminals broke into a kraal belonging to Mr Jimmy Edward.

It is reported that at some point during the same night, the owner woke up just to answer the call of nature when he realised that his kraal had been broken into and one pig was missing.

“The owner then informed some relatives around the village and together they followed marks of bicycle tyres that were seen from the compound.

“Following the marks, the people saw two men having a bicycle carrying something. Immediately they started chasing them but the criminals escaped abandoning the bicycle, “said Ngwira.

The bicycle had a pig on it which had allegedly been killed by poisoning.

“Apart from the bicycle, the criminals also dropped a panga knife and a cellphone belonging to College who is a pastor at Enlightened Christian Gathering,”Ngwira added.

The issue was later reported at Namulenga Police Unit where, upon investigations, police arrested the three.

They have since been charged with an offence of breaking into a building and committing a felony therein that contradicts section 311 of the penal code.

They are expected to appear in court today, Monday, 28th January.

Seven, aged 35, hails from Makina village while both Henderson and College aged 22 and 49 respectively, hail from Khaluweya village all under traditional authority Juma in the district.


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