A 32-year-old man in Rumphi has died after drowning in Lake Malawi where he went for fishing.

The deceased who was a fisherman has been identified as Dickson Msiska of Mwachizindiri Village in the area of Traditional Authority Mwalweni in Rumphi.

“The incident happened on January 23, 2019 at Mwachizindiri Village.Police report indicate that on the fateful day, the deceased and his friend went to Lake Malawi on a canoe for fishing where the deceased suffered epilepsy and fell into the lake.” Constable Tupeliwe Kabwilo said.

“The deceased’s friends mounted a search on him but to no avail and this prompted them to report the matter to the village who organized a search party into the lake but failed to trace the deceased.” he added.

The matter was reported to Chiweta Police Unit where search is underway to trace the deceased’s body.

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