Former President Dr. Joyce Banda who is also leader of opposition People’s Party (PP) has finally presented Presidential nomination papers to the Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) at Comesa Hall in the commercial capital Blantyre.

The development comes barely hours after pulling out of PP-United Tranformation Movement (UTM) alliance citing UTM’s non-compliance with the terms of the agreement and the spirit of solidarity.

According to information at hand, the agreement was that UTM would pick a running mate from PP.

Banda arrived at Comesa Hall together with her runningmate Jerry Jana, former Chief Executive Officer for Agriculture Development and Marketing Corporation (ADMARC).

Speaking after presenting nomination papers to MEC, Banda said her commitment is and will remain to promote women by empowering them economically.

She said once voted into power in the forthcoming May 21 tripartite election she will bring back electricity.

On her part, MEC Chairperson Dr. Jane Ansah urged Banda to focus on issue based campaign and avoid foul languages which in turn can instigate violence.

Banda is the fourth Presidential aspirant to present nomination papers to the Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC).

More details to come….

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