No one has submitted nomination forms to contest on Peoples Party (PP) ticket in May 21 parliamentary and local council elections in Salima, Constituency Returning Officers (CROs) in the district have disclosed.

Salima District has five constituencies and 10 ward. In 2014 elections, PP won two parliamentary seats and two local council seats.

PP Spokesperson, Ackson Kalaile Banda told Malawi News Agency on Wednesday that he was not aware of the situation in Salima as he had not yet received data on the number of candidates the party is featuring.

“I am not sure about Salima as I am yet to receive all the data and it will be difficult for me to comment as to how many candidates we have featured,” he said.

Only DPP, Malawi Congress Party (MCP) and United Transformation Movement UTM have managed to fill candidates in all the constituencies and wards.

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