A local Kenyan court set free a single mother who was charged with preparing food in unsanitary conditions after she told the court what forced her to do so.

The suspect, Josey Karendi, tearfully told Meru Resident Magistrate Edward Tsimonjero her sad love story that led to sell chips on the roadside on the outskirts of Meru town.

Joey narrated how she fell in love with a man who quickly fled when he learnt she was expecting a child.

Carrying her five-month daughter on her back in court, the woman in her mid-20s said selling food by the roadside was her only way of earning a living.

She broke down in tears after the charges were read,   prompting the magistrate to askher if the facts were correct.

The prosecution brought a deep frying pan with about two plates of chips as evidence

The magistrate said the circumstances that led her to commit the crime were touching and set her free, but urged her to improve the hygiene at her place of work.

“We have listened to your mitigation and the circumstances under which the offence was committed. Consequently, the accused is discharged 35 (1) of the penal code. You must strive to maintain high standards of hygiene,” said Mr Tsimonjero.

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