A Tanzanian politician has raised eyebrows after he decided to tie the knot with his 25-year-old lover at the age of 73.

Juma Kapuya, the former parliamentarian at Urambo district, wedded his youthful lover on Sunday, Febraury 17 in a low-key yet lavish ceremony.

A number of online users have already weighed in on the wedding, with some surprisingly said it was fully within the moral standards especially since Mwajuma was an adult capable of making sound choices on her life.

When Juma’s bride was born, he was two years shy of clocking 50, and was en route to becoming a member of the National Executive Council of the then governing Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) party. He went on to hold that position for eight years, and was then appointed Minister of Defense and National Service.

His is not a very strange union, however, particular in an African setting of a number of weddings involving men who were staring at menopause in the face wedding with youthful women.

Source : Magazine

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