The late founding president of the MDC, Morgan Tsvangirai is said to have died a bitter man after Zanu PF and President Emmerson Mnangagwa took him for a fool soon after the November 2017 military coup.

This was revealed by his successor Nelson Chamisa who was speaking during the Morgan Tsvangirai memorial lecture in Harare on Thursday.
Image result for tsvangirai, mnangagwa and chamisaChamisa said that Tsvangirai supported Mnangagwa’s military-backed takeover expecting a transitional arrangement to be put in place before elections could be held. Said Chamisa:

“Mudhara Tsvangirai died a very disappointed man. Why was he disappointed, because he was betrayed by people who had agreed to have a transitional arrangement?

They then went to elections without the reforms, without the transitional arrangement, this what our mother was saying.”

Tsvangirai’s widow, Elizabeth Macheka corroborated what Chamisa said. Macheka had this to say:

“Morgan supported the new dispensation whole heartedly because he thought it was the beginning of a new era.”

Source : Viral News24

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