Members of the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian – CCAP at Kamilaza congregation in Mzimba district has written the synod of Livingstonia to remove their right reverend.

The reverend, whose name withheld has been accused of excessive drinking alcohol which is against the church doctrine.

An anonymous source said that the reverend has been spotted drinking at Manyamula trading centre in the district on many occasions .The source says he left home on Fridays and only returns home on Sundays.

When asked the reverend told the congregants, that it is true and that was his first and last time to take beer.

According to the reverend he go for beer because of family matters and that was the only thing to ease his stress and pressure after he takes a bottle.

The congregant has given the synod up to March 8 to remove him. On other matters, reverend is also accused of mismanagement of church funds in recent days.

Source : Malawi News Hub

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