Unknown thugs on Monday night attempted to abduct a one year old albino child at Chitimba in Rumphi District, faceofmalawi can reveal.

Chitimba Police Unit Public Relations Officer Joe Banda confirmed of the development in a statement made available to FOM’s reporter.

According to Banda, the albino abduction was foiled by barking dogs.

“At around 11pm I received a phone call from a relative to Noriana Mhango a one year and ten months daughter with albinism that they sensed danger as dogs were barking strangely.

“Upon waking up, they realised that the dogs were barking at Noriana’s home and they rushed there,” said Banda.

He added: “Brother to Noriana narrated that he saw one person standing beside the window but failed to scream. Mother to Noriana was listening attentively in her bedroom and was wondering why dogs on their door step.

“We rushed to the seen and made patrols to the surrounding up until this morning.”

The police have since intensified a patrol in the area.

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