There are mix reactions whether the Association of Persons with Albinism in Malawi-APAM should meet President Peter Mutharika on Thursday and discuss the problem facing Malawi at hand.

Government issued a press release on Tuesday that it is meeting the albino commuty in regards to find ways of curbing the abductions and killings of people with albinism in the country.

Now, in reacting to the call on dialogue APAM has snubbed the government’s meeting saying it will not yield anything, instead of acting in bringing in measures to arrest and find out potential selling markets.

The call for dialogue comes a day after Minister of Homeland Security Nicholas Dausi also issued an apology to the albino community over his sentiments made a week ago against planned demonstrations organised by civil society organisations together with APAM on government’s lack of decisive action to curb the malpractice.

Social commentator Saunders Juma has described the meeting as, “It can not take place as it also seems as government has lost touch with this problem to people they govern.”

Juma recalls last week’s defiant sentiments made by minister of homeland security where he says, “insulted this nation through our brothers and sisters with Albinism. A week later he came back with an apology which could not please APAM.”

Juma adds; “Today after your “long silence” to speak against the killings of Albinos they come with a directive that would want to meet members of APAM and other stakeholders to discuss matters relating to abuse of people with Albinism.

In our last dictum we questioned the “reasonability” and “thinking capacity” of your advisers and those managing your correspondence within government.”

“People with Albinism 46 of whom have lost lives cannot be invited at your pleasure. It does not please you to invite them.

In this case, APAM may think of racial discrimination as far as their colour is concerned.”

In recent weeks, Malawi has witnessed an escalation of albino killings and attacks, a thing which has been condemned internationally where 46 of them are dead after brutal attacks.

Source : Malawi News Hub

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