The aspirant Member of Parliament for Blantyre City South constituency Honourable Mavuto Mike Missih has assured people of his constituency that he will continue to stay devoted in bringing different developmental programmes in his area once placed on a parliamentary seat in the impending May tripartite election.

Honorable Missih

Honourable Missih who is representing UTM in the area told this publication that for the past period he has been there for the people in his constituency helping out with different needs including fixing a bridge that connects Green Corner, Chatha-Chilobwe that was impassable, donating note books to the needy students, empowering women in small scale businesses just to mention a few.

Missih donating some items to small scale business women

“On my own as an individual I established a charitable organization called the “Granny Homies” which looks after the old people, needy widows and orphans. It is known that after our children have lost both parents the burden remains in the hands of the grannies who have nothing in terms of financial hence coming up with this organization to help sort that problem.

“On top of what I have said, the organization looks after flood victims whom their houses were washed away because of heavy rains. It is sad to note that Blantyre City South only carries the “City” name but in actual sense what happens in the constituency does not tarry with what is on the ground hence a need to make things change for better. Let’s not cheat ourselves to be coming from the city when we are living on a very low life standard,” said the future MP.

Missih helped this boy attain a driving licence

Despite accomplishing to come up with different developments in the constituency independently, the Honorable feels not satisfied as he says he opts to construct roads in other areas in his constituency which he feel would be of more importance to people.

“I would really want to construct some roads which I feel they would benefit the people and ease them in as far as travelling issues are concerned. Areas like Mtonda, Chatha, Makalani, Mango area in Manase, Manja, three ways and other parts of Chilobwe are some of the areas I would like to push to have roads constructed once voted for in the impending elections,” Missih said.

Missih proved he is not a self-centered man as he admitted that he would not call other MPs who have represented the area previously as failures but rather he said they tried by bringing some developments like police unit at Manase, Zingwangwa youth centre and etc.

However he said there’s need for more taking into account that time has changed.

Not long ago, Missih helped in renovating a bridge that connects green corner and Chatha-Chilobwe which is used by many school students as well as business people that operates between the above mentioned areas.

Missih helping to construct a broken bridge in his constituency

As that is not enough, the aspirant MP recently donated scales at Zingwangwa health centre after noting that there were problems concerning these issues at the said facility.

Babies were being wrapped with chitenje before Missih donated scales

“I noted that kids were being tied to a Chitenje like goats which is not acceptable in modern days like these ones hence the donation at the facility. It is a must that under privileged people should also enjoy modern services being offered in expensive private hospitals, “he said adding that soon he will donate some items to a certain hospital which is over-populated in the constituency.

a relief came after Missih donated the scales at the facility

On the side of agriculture, Missih has so far offered help to a mosque in Chimwankhunda were vegetables like onions, carrots, cabbages and etc are being planted in a bid to make the beneficiaries stand on their own finally.

“We need to make use of the running water in the streams in our constituency and also offer the people needed equipment like Tredo pumps as loans that shall be paid back little by little, “he pointed out.

Missih donating Tredo Pump

He said he has dreams of bringing in an institution called Wealthy Net Finance and also Bababarack in Uk which will offer loans to women, men and youths so that they come up with community business plans like carpentry, poultry farming to help in their day to day lives.

On sports, he has helped some football teams with needed football equipment and he is also in the process of talking to some people in Germany, Switzerland and England to have football academies in the country.

Missih says he will continue helping teams in his constituency with needed football equipment

He hasn’t left the security issues aside but rather he is pledging to bring in some police units especially in over populated areas in his constituency where crime is a threat to society.

At the end, he urged all people that it is their responsibility to demand good services from government since they pay taxes.


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