Kenyan police are hunting two male students from a local Technical University of Mombasa who allegedly beat up their colleague over allegations that he was involved in an affair with one of the culprit’s girlfriend.

In a video that has since gone viral on social media under the hashtag #justiceforalloys, the victim, identified as Alloys, was made to kneel down, slapped and asked to explain why he kissed a girl by the name Angel.

In the second video, Alloys is seen lying on the floor while two other young men whip mercilessly. The two attackers have been identified as Cedric and Chiga.

The two culprits were both First Year students at the university.

A source at the institution, who preferred anonymity told repoters that Alloys was first taken to a barber to get a shave before receiving a dog beating from the two suspects.

“The student was caught in compromising position with the girl which greatly angered her boyfriend. He later stormed the hostel room where the boy was staying and with the help of a friend, they started beating him. Alloys reported the issue to the Dean of students,” he said.

Screenshots shared on WhatsApp groups in the campus show that one of the suspects, Cedric, had posted a status threatening to commit suicide after the video of the assault went viral.

The posts read; “Dying at 17, I don’t even know what life means (crying emoji). My talent straight to hell, I’m convinced Satan is waiting for me,17! I go to jail, NO WAY…NEVER!!”

He explained that he beat Alloys to warn him to cut ties with his girlfriend.

“I warned Alloys more than five times he never took me seriously, how do you kiss my girlfriend three times then expect me to give you justice, all that trust I gave you,” the status read.

On the same thread, he even bid his parents farewell and told them that he was sorry for the decision he was going to make.

“Mom and dad, Brian am so sorry, I’ve made up my mind. Mom tell those mortuary attendants not to touch a single strand of my hair,” Cedric’s status read.

James Ongare, a student leader in charge of accommodation affairs, assured that the misbehaving comrades will face the wrath of the law.

“As leaders we have already taken up the matter very strongly. Currently we are at Makupa police station,” Mr Ongare said.

The victim has been given more time to undergo treatment as he was seriously hurt from the beating.

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