Blantyre Adventist Youth (AY) from Sunnyside, Manyowe, Chiwandira Seventh-Day Adventist (SDA) churches recently donated assorted items worth K170, 000 to Samaritan Trust children in Blantyre.

One of the AY leaders, Comrade Joseph Dzinga said the donation to Samaritan Trust was the special message of telling the children that God’s love is sufficient for all created beings.

“The Global Youth Day is slated for tomorrow, 16 March this year, and as Adventist Youth from Sunnyside, Manyowe, Chiwandira Seventh-Day Adventist churches with the good news of Jesus Christ to the entire world in this generation, we thought it wise to walk with this year’s theme, ADOPT which constrains us to assist friends who lack some basic necessities in their day-to-day living.

We have distributed sugar, packets of soya pieces, cartons of petroleum jelly, exercise books and pens, tablets of soap.

We would like to inform everyone that we have now adopted Samaritan Trust starting from today, 10 March, and God willing we will be donating assorted items to the Trust every quarter,” explained Dzinga.

Speaking during the presentation ceremony, Samaritan Trust caregiver, Alex Mkwezalamba thanked the Adventist Youth for the physical, mental and spiritual support rendered to the Samaritan Trust children.

“This is awesome. Friends from the SDA do visit us here, and the donation has come at the right time when the Samaritan Trust is experiencing economic woes.

Frankly speaking, we lack many resources like foodstuffs and other basic necessities here, and the coming of AY to donate the items has gladdened the children.

We ask the AY to continue providing the Trust with charity works.

We also appeal to other well wishers to emulate what the Adventists have done today,” said Mkwezalamba.

During the ceremony, Pastor Alfred Kilembe from Sunnyside SDA shared the message of hope with the gathering.

In his sermon, he encouraged the Adventist Youth to be compassionate, and not be carried away with today’s generations that are fond of taking photos of vulnerable people and circulating the photos on social media without rendering any support to the needy ones.

The sermon was taken from the book of Matthew 25:35-40.

The Samaritan Trust was founded in 1993 by Mr. Jervase Chakumodzi whose aim was to create a chance and choice for street kids and other needy children.

The Trust offers training programmes which are funded by the European Union (EU) such as electrical installation, bricklaying, tailoring, plumbing to vulnerable children and is currently keeping 74 children, 50 boys and 24 girls.

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