The Deputy Regional Secretary for People’s Party (PP) Leonard Mphidza has dumped the party after getting frustrated by Joyce Banda following her decision to form an alliance with Malawi Congress Party (MCP).

Speaking in an interview with state controlled Malawi Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) Mphidza said as a member of the party’s National Executive Committee was not aware that PP has resolved to endorse the candidature of MCP’s president Lazarus Chakwera in the forthcoming presidential elections.

“As a politician I will not quit politics. I will just scout around which party I should join because as a member of the National Executive Committee of PP and as a committee were not consulted about this development.

“I only heard it through the media that PP has formed an alliance with MCP which was a big surprise to me and I didn’t expect that. There is no way a leader can just endorse an alliance with another party without consulting the executive committee,” Mphiza was quoted as saying.

Mphidza said he does not agree with the alliance so the party should count him out because he is disappointed with what has happened to his party’s leadership.

He also said during their last meeting as a party the regional governor from Eastern region emphasized that if they team up with MCP definitely they should count Mangochi out because people in Mangochi still have grudges against MCP.

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