By Orchestra Kamanga

The Produces and Distributors of herbals such as light multipurpose oil, think multipurpose oil and Anna Health Juice, Anna Ali George has said her newly introduced Herbals which she has introduced on the market is much powerful because it heals patients faster compared to other herbals in the country.

She said as a medical officer by profession she produced herbals which can heal her clients diseases like Cancer, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Hearts, Kidney, Liver problem, Fertility problem, Liver Problem and boost immune system for HIV/Aids.

Speaking in an interview the Founder and Managing Director of the company Anna Ali George said the herbs oil helps a lot of people in the country especially those who are suffering from Cancer and said she is very sad that a lot of people are dying because cancer despite that she has the medicines (herbals).

“I am feel very sorry that most people in the country are dying because of deadly disease cancer while the herbals are there, adding that .she has healed a lot of people so far since she stared the company last year in End of October.

Anna George further said that she has healed people with cancer from Mbulumbuzi and a girl from Nguludi both from Chiradzulu district.

“We sell products like Anna thick multi-purpose herbs oil 50 Mls at K10, 000, light multi-purpose oil for 500 Mls at K8, 000. And 100 Mls at K16, 000 and I litre Anna Health Juice is at K9, 000,” she said.

The newly established company is located at Namiyango Tondole Bus stop after weaving factory which is 3 minutes’ drive and 5 minutes’ walk and in Blantyre is encompasses in FINCOOP opposite Muslims Association of Malawi regional Office.

Apart from cancer Juice health and herbs oil also heals Asthma, Brain problem, Liver problem, Epilepsy, Trachoma, Kidney failure, Arthritis, minor stroke, swollen legs and bodies, Shingles just to mention but a few.

After drinking light multipurpose oil patients takes Annah health juice after 15 minutes.

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