By Orchestra Kamanga

Members from Peoples Party (PP) and United Transformation Movement (UTM) have dumped their political parties and joined the ruling Democratic Progressive party (DPP) at a function held at its regional Office in the South.

Speaking in an interview, one of the members Lenard Mphinza who was former Deputy Secretary for PP responsible for the Neno South and also PP NEC Member said he has decided to join DPP because of sound leadership of Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika.

“I have decided to quit people’s party because they never consulted us when they were joining Malawi Congress Party (MCP) and also i am very impressed with leadership and it’s Administration of Mutharika which put people at heart,” he said.

Deputy Minister of Homeland and Security Charles Mchacha said the door is open for any member to join the ruling party.

He said it is the wish of Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika to win the impending election with landslide so it was important to welcome members from other political parties.

“Therefore I urge party officials to welcome any member who want to join DPP so that we should win with landslide,” said Mchacha who is also Governor for the South.

Members who joined DPP from UTM and PP are 344 altogether, 82 from PP (Neno south) and 262 from UTM.

The country will hold tripartite elections in May on 21st.


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