Zomba Senior Resident Magistrate’s Court has sentenced a 38-year-old man, James Nsapato to serve 13 years Imprisonment with Hard Labour (IHL) for defiling a 14- year-old girl

According to Zomba Police Station Prosecutor, Sergeant Blessings Madikhula, Nsapato was arrested on March 14, 2019 for defiling a girl who is mentally challenged.

He added that after the case was reported to Thondwe Police Station, the victim was referred to Zomba Central Hospital where it was confirmed that she was defiled.

In mitigation, Nsapato told the court that he is the first offender and a bread-winner for his family as such asked the court to be lenient in passing judgment.

Madikhula pleaded with the court to impose a meaningful punishment to the offender because he breached the same responsibility he has to protect the girl and not abusing her.

“I pray that the court should give the accused a stiff punishment to serve as a lesson and a deterrent to others with such evil minds,” he said.

Passing judgment, Zomba Senior Resident Magistrate, Rodrick Michongwe concurred with the state in condemning Nsapato, saying defilement was a serious crime that attracts custodial sentence.

“The court has a responsibility of protecting children, girls in particular from irresponsible people like the convict,” he said, adding that, “It is right and proper that the court sentences the convict to a jail term.”

Michongwe sentenced Nsapato to 13 years IHL.

Nsapato comes from Changamila Village in the area of Traditional Authority (TA) Ntchema in Chiradzulu.

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