A Malawian man living in Ireland took a bag of cannabis to police station to complain that it was “not of good quality”.

Arthur Liwembe (33) was immediately arrested after he went to the station of his own accord and presented the cannabis to officer on duty to say he was not happy with his purchase.

Judge John Hughes said Liwembe’s behaviour was “illogical to say the least” and was indicative of a cannabis-induced “psychosis”.

He adjourned the case for a probation report.

Liwembe, a former student nurse pleaded guilty to unlawful possession of cannabis and other charges.

The Court heard that Liwembe went to Kilmainham Garda Station last July 10 and produced a bag of cannabis from his pocket.

He was searched and a box-cutter knife was found on him which his lawyer said was used for his work as a handyman.

It is believed that Liwembe was suffering from problems at the time.

“He said he had bought the drugs and believed them not to be of good quality and that was why he complained at police station,” prosecuter told the court.

He was arrested on a later date when he returned, asked for the confiscated knife to be returned and became aggressive when this was refused.

Liwembe went to Ireland in 2012 as a student nurse but his visa ran out and he applied for residency on the basis of having an Irish-born child.

Judge Hughes remanded him on continuing bail.

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