Presidential running mates have agreed that age limit for the highest office should be hanged at 75.

The running mates agreed on the issue during presidential running mates debate hosted by Zodiak Broadcasting Station (ZBS) at Gland Palace in Mzuzu last night.

Malawi Congress Party (MCP) running mate Sidik Mia said that beyond 75, the condition of an individual becomes critical especially health wise.

“The condition is dangerous and critical. Retirement age must be revisited and I would suggest it should be at 75,” stressed Mia.

Commenting on the issue, United Democratic Front (UDF) running mate Frank Mwenifumbo said vying for presidency is a human right therefore putting age limit would invade that right.

“Running for presidency is a human right, and if you put age limit, it is an infringement on that right,” Mwenifumbo Explained.

However, he said ability to function at that age should be in question.

He further suggested 75 as the ideal age limit.

“But if you asked me, I think 75 will do,” he said

In his comment United Transformation Movement (UTM) running mate Dr. Micheal Usi, agreed with Mwenifumbo saying everyone has the right and supported 75 as age limit.

On the contrary, Minister of Finance, Economic Planning and Development, Goodall Gondwe said running the president’s office and government is a serious business, not for babies.

“Government is not for babies, government is for people with experience,” Gondwe said.

Chancellor College Constitutional Law expert, Edge Kanyongolo said there are no valid reasons to warrant the age limit.

According to the report of Law Commission on the review of the constitution (2007), the Law Commission received submissions of the eligibility criteria on age for the president which included a proposal to introduce a maximum age limit of 70 to ensure holders of the highest office are able to keep up with the demands of the office.

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