Participants in the final Presidential runningmates debate unanimously opted for dialogue in the ongoing Lake Malawi boarder row between Malawi and neighboring Tanzania.

The dispute started in 2013 when the then regime led by former President Dr. Joyce Banda disclosed plans to explore linked oil reserves that lie in the lake bed.

The development did not please the Tanzania government which wanted a fair share of oil arguing that the Tanzanians also own part of the lake.

Speaking at the final debate hosted by privately owned Zodiak Broadcasting Station (ZBS) United Transformation Movement (UTM) Presidential runningmate Michael Usi once voted into power the party will continue with dialogue on the matter.

He said the whole lake belongs to Malawi, and that Tanzania knows, thereby stressing that the discussions would be framed in a way of reminding the neighboring country that they do not own any part of it.

On his part, Malawi Congress Party (MCP) Presidential runninmate Muhammad Sidik Mia said the party will defend the territorial water body to the very end.

Concurring with Mia’s remarks, United Democratic Front (UDF) Presidential runningmate Frank Tumpale Mwenefumbo said the party will stick to dialogue while respecting the boundaries that were set by the colonial masters.

On resources he said they have to be explored mutually.

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