Kasungu First Grade Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday, March 27 has fined a 47 old man, Willy Wilson Gondwe to pay K200, 000 or in default serve a 12 month jail term for being found in possession of tortoises which are endangered species without license.

According to Kasungu Police Station Publicist, Harry Namwaza, Gondwe was arrested at Chimaliro immigration road block after he was found in possession of four tortoises, two African giant rats, and 70 emperor scorpions without a license which is contrary to section 110A(b) of National Parks and Wildlife Act.

He said Gondwe told the police that he was taking the endangered species to South Africa to sell them.

“He was taken to court where he pleaded guilty and begged the court to give him lenient punishment, saying that he was the first offender,” Namwaza said.

Prosecuting the case, Sub Inspector, Mariot Kamaliza asked the court to give Gondwe a stiffer punishment to avoid escalation of such cases. 

Kasungu First Grade Magistrate Damiano Banda concurred with the state, saying that the endangered species should not be possessed without license as stipulated in National Parks and Wildlife Act.  Gondwe hails from Chikodzola village in the area of Traditional Authority Chindi in Mzimba district.

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