Umodzi Party (UP) President Professor John Chisi is this evening expected to brush shoulders with former Vice President Dr. Cassim Chilumpha who is also a torchbearer for Tikonze Peoples Movement in second round of Presidential debates at Bingu International Convention Centre (BICC) in the capital Lilongwe.

The first Presidential debate took place on Friday last week and the debate was attended by Malawi Congress Party (MCP) President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera, United Transformation Movement (UTM) President Dr. Saulos Klaus Chilima and United Democratic Front (UDF) President Atupele Muluzi.

Chairman of the Organising Taskforce Teresa Temweka Ndanga who is also Chairperson of Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) Malaw- Chapter confirmed of the development.

According to Ndanga, panelists in the second debate will be John Chisi of Umodzi Party (UP), Tikonze Peoples Movement (TPM) President Dr. Cassim Chilumpha, Mbakuwaku Movement for Development (MMD) President Peter Kuwani and an Independent President Reverend Kaliya.

Ndanga said the debate will be beamed live on Zodiak television, Times television and state controlled Malawi Broadcasting Corporation (MBC tv).

She further disclosed that the final series of the Presidential debate will be held on April 5, 2019 and it will feature candidates from all political parties.

Chisi, Chilumpha to face off in second round of Presidential debates

Malawians will go to polls on May 21, 2019 to elected President, Members of Parliament and Councilors.

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