Nick Adams, the man who was arrested on allegations that he intended to sell his albino son has been set free after his wife told the court that he made false claims against him after the two quarreled on some matter.  

Senior Resident Magistrate (SRM) Court in Mangochi on Thursday dismissed the case involving the 38-year-old man.

Adams was arrested and put on remand after his wife, Vanessa Manyowa, reported him to her brothers that he had intended to sell their 14-year-old son living with albinism.

 But soon after the Police arrested Adams, his wife went back to her brothers and confessed that she had just made the story up and that her husband had never made the assertions to sale their son.

Since the confession, Manyowa and her brothers had been pushing for withdrawal of the case but the court had hesitated in order to establish whether the confession was genuine.

Appearing before court, Manyowa literally broke down and, tears running down her cheeks, she confessed that she had just had a disagreement with her husband over farm produce.

“We quarreled over maize and ground nuts that we have; he refused to let me have a fair share so I made up the story and told my brothers who believed me and got him arrested,” Manyowa explained.

She continued remorsefully: “Now I realize that I did a very bad thing and I want the court to know that I lied: my husband did not make any utterance to insinuate that he intended to sale our son.”

Manyowa’s confession did not go well with the Presiding SRM, Joshua Nkhono who did not mince words in reprimanding the woman for making such serious accusations against her husband.

He said it was unfortunate and unbecoming for someone to take advantage of the situation at hand and falsely implicate others in such serious matter.

Nkhono described the issue at hand as very sensitive saying government, through all its security agencies, is doing all it can to end the spate of abductions and killings of people with albinism.

The Court discharged the case freed Adams but the SRM warned Manyowa against repetition of such accusations and he stressed that the court would punish anyone found giving false information on a sensitive matter like the one in question.

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