By Robert Kumwenda

A local business entrepreneur by the name of Donex Zimbulani has backed the idea of incumbent President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika and his running mate Overton Chimulirenji for shunning both the presidential and running mates debates.

Donex Zimbulani

He said when you are in government most people look at you so that they should criticize on the mistakes you have made during your tenure of office.

“So both the president and his running knew that there will be some questions whose aim is to frustrate them, for instance the issue of albino killings, why they chase them from the State House and alike,” he said.

Zimbulani that is the reason why they saw it important to shun the debates adding that government has already sold itself through its manifesto and a number of development projects it has implemented on the ground nationwide.

some of the candidates in attendance during one of the debates

The Blantyre based business man said what government is doing will continue if people give another tenure of office come May 2019 and there was nothing they could have said apart from what they are doing on the ground.

“So the debates were aiming at underrating what government has done in the past five years and those who attended have no clear agenda to offer to Malawians,” he said.

Zimbulani who is the owner of Donz Engineering said those who attended the debates they took it as a platform to sale themselves because there is nothing which they have done to Malawians.

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