By Robert Kumwenda

Shadow Member of Parliament for Chiradzulu South Constituency Oliver Nakoma has said is geared to empower people of the constituency with capital to do business.

He said people of the constituency are failing to develop because they do not have money saying that if elected as MP come May 2019 he will push for creation of relevant laws to help the youth.

“Our laws are not developmental conscious and there should be time limits for MPs because we cannot solve our problems using the same ideas,” he said.

He said foreigners are the ones that are being given capital and we are not protecting our wealth because there are divisions among our leaders.

Nakoma said if elected as MP he will move a motion in parliament to from Youth Parliamentarian Association for the youth to come together to push for policies that will help the youth.

“Structures are there but what the people of Chiradzulu South Constituency are lacking is money to do business so that they should be able to get there daily needs as well as sending their children to school,” he said.

He said we need to have deliberate policies for people to have money so that they should be able to do business.

Nakoma said the previous legislators for the area have failed to develop the constituency hence the reason why people in the constituency are poor.

“For example the Asians the come with capital using our own structures doing business that is the reason why they are rich, we can also use the same structures that we have in like markets to empower people to do business so that they should have money in their pockets,” he said.

He said we need to regulate laws for people that grow other crops so that they should be protected as it is the case with tobacco saying that if he goes to parliament he will create policies that will protect other crops for the country to export other crops.

Nakoma said people in the constituency are hardworking saying that he will move a motion in parliament for government to create worth for the people by providing them with loans to do business.

He has therefore asked people of the constituency to vote for him if they want to see change in their lives.

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