On 7th April, 2019, MCP President Chakwera was in Hewe—Rumphi while MCP alliance partner, former President Joyce Banda was in Hora—Mzimba and MCP vice President Sidik Mia was in Blantyre city south constituenc—Naotcha ground, Chilobwe.

In Blantyre city south was manned up by MCP national campaign director Moses Kunkuyu and Mia was impressed by the good turnout that they are connecting well with the people.

During Sidik Mia’s speech , he focused on protecting people’s from exploitation in their work places. To make his point clear, he invoked one of MCP promises on how they shall ensure economic growth and development.

The first bullet in their Manifesto (2019-2024, p. 7), provides that the MCP government will “raise the minimum wage from MK 25,000 to MK 50,000 and the zero-rated Pay as You Earn (PAYE) tax from K 35,000 to MK 100,000 to ensure working Malawians have a dignified living.”

Mia emphasized that they shall end the business of exploiting people.

No one can survive with MK 25,000 having worked for a whole month. We shall end this madness of using and abusing our people once we take over.

“As government, a powerful player in industrial relations, we shall ensure that labour rights of our people are enjoyed by workers and that they are strictly respected by employers.

However, for this this policy shift to be realized, you need to vote for Dr Lazarus Chakwera as our next President next month.
” Mia added

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