United Democratic Front (UDF) running mate, Frank Mwenifumbo said the party’s manifesto is promising to construct a new rail way from Lilongwe to Mbeya in Tanzania.

Mwenifumbo made the remarks during UDF’s manifesto and campaign launch at Civo stadium in Lilongwe on Sunday.

He said it is the party’s dream to connect Malawi and Tanzania through a rail way transport.

“The rail system will pass through Dowa, Ntchisi, Kasungu, Mzimba, Rumphi, Chitipa then Mbeya in Tanzania. This is exclusively in UDF’s manifesto.

Later in his speech, Mwenifumbo delivered a message of hope to tobacco farmers as UDF manifesto has delivered a strong stance against tobacco buyers.

In his speech Mwenifumbo said UDF shall protect Malawi tobacco grower.

He further added that UDF government shall ensure that farmers are benefitting from their work by placing prices that will make tobacco farmers smile.

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