Chinese government has donated 10 computers to the Ministry of Defense to enable the ministry address Information Community and Technology (ICT) in storing and accessing defense and security issues.

The Chinese Ambassador to Malawi, Liu Hongyang handed over the computers to the Deputy Minister of Defense Amos Mailosi at Capital Hill on Monday.

The Chinese embassy made the donation following a request made by the ministry.

“We have computers and felt we should give some to the Ministry of Defense to enhance the ministry’s capabilities in serving the people of Malawi,” Hongyang said.

Commenting on the matter, Mailosi said defense is one of the key ministries requiring up to date technology linking Malawi to the global world.

“This development requires us to automate our systems and operations, which need improved ICT equipment and services to happen,” Mailosi said.

Mailosi further added that they will continue engaging Chinese embassy and other development partners to help the ministry mobilize more gadgets.

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