United Nations (UN) experts are expected to arrive in Malawi this month to investigate the abductions and killings of people with albinism.

In response to a rise in killings of persons with albinism, President Peter Mutharika announced that the UN will send two experts to Malawi to investigate the markets for body parts of people with albinism.

The Minister of Homeland Security Nicholas Dausi has confirmed that the experts will arrive later this month but the exact dates will not be disclosed for security reasons.

“They will be arriving anytime beginning 20 to 26 April but we will not disclose more,” Dausi told YFM in short telephone interview on Tuesday.

In March Mutharika instituted a nine-member commission of inquiry on the attacks which have resulted into the deaths of 24 people with albinism since 2014.

But Association of Persons with Albinism (APAM) president Overstone said the commission lacked capacity gaps to conduct such high level investigations.

Source : YFM

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